Creative type.
Portland, Oregon USA
Via Training, LLC
March, 2002 to present
Flying Rhinoceros, LLC
April 1999 to October 2001
ZCom, the eAgency
April 1998 to April 1999
October 1996 to April 1998
Jeppesen Sanderson
August 1994 to February 1997
The Colorado Institute of Art
June 1994
-- toggle details --
- Noted on the President's Lists for "Outstanding Grade Point Average" and "Attendance"
- Awarded six "Special Recognition Awards" for Graduate Traveling Portfolio

Zenger Miller, Inc.
July 1995
Dale Carnegie Training
May, 2004
July 2004
June 1999
November 1998
Web Designs on Portland - Broadcast Interview Featuring the USOC Kids Website
February 2002
The Designer's eSurvival Kit, by Matthew Adams
June 1999, September 1999, January 2000
On the Farm, the original animated series starring Amy Grant and Vince Gill
1999 - 2005
Mugsy's Meadow, the original animated series for The Mills Malls
2004 - 2005
Lost, promotional movie for Hewlett-Packard
September 2003
References available by request. |